About this Blog

Balloon Education is created and maintained by The Balloon Brothers

Their aim is to share ideas, techniques, useful information & their journey within the Balloon Industry.
As twisters, decorators & retailers, Dom & Keith have a wealth of experience and knowledge from a real life working environment.
Keith (left) Dominic (far right) at JBAN - Tokyo, Japan
About The Balloon Brothers: Keith Stirman CBA & Dominic Cassidy CBA.

As retailers, decorators, and entertainers, there's nothing these two can't do with balloons! Dominic Cassidy, CBA, and Keith Stirman, CBA, make up The Balloon Brothers, and they own the successful online/high street retail store, All Things Fun, located in Durham, UK. Because of their backgrounds in engineering, Dom and Keith are used to being innovative yet efficient, and they are known for creating and teaching super sellable designs that earn high Gross Profits! Teaching at industry conferences such as The Qualatex Event, the World Balloon Convention 2012 & 2014, Ballooniversity, JBAN, BACI, touring the United States and Canada on The British Balloon Adventure parts 1 & 2 has allowed Dom and Keith the opportunity to meet balloon professionals worldwide and share their top tips and tricks for selling and creating deco-twisted decor to go and other retail-friendly arrangements.
Keith (left) Dominic (right) at the World Balloon Convention 2012 - Dallas, TX

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